
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Satu Lagu Untuk Motivate Kamu.

Ah, sebenarnya tajuk ni patutnya jadi 'Satu Lagu Untuk Motivate Aku'

Ok, takpe, aku nak berkongsi dengan semua pembaca tentang lagu dari eheh, penyanyi Youtube kesayangan aku Christina Grimmie. Pergh, dah ada album sekarang, dan dia sebagai composer lagu. Oh, hebatnya kau budak kecik. 

Tanpa melengahkan masa, tadaaaa! Silalah hayati lagu ni. Sebenarnya lagi feel kalau baca lirik sambil dengar lagu ni tanpa tengok video ni. Sebab nanti fokus korang lari kat "wah, comelnya Christina Grimmie ni!" atau "wah, style lah rambut ala tempurung dia!"

Aku rasa lagu ni sangat sesuai untuk semua orang, lebih-lebih lagi yang tengah rasa down ke apa kan. Macam bagi sumber inspirasi la. I loike~

So, enjoy!! and hayatilah setiap patah kata dalam lirik dia, semat sikit dalam hati tu. 

Advice- Christina Grimmie

Don't look down
Cause it's easy
You're falling from force
Just letting it take nature's course
Then picking it up when it's over

Don't be afraid
Cause the chances are there for the take
But treasure the choices you make
And know when you must take it slower

You may think you've had it rough
And try to give it up
But when you think you're stuck
Just go another way

Don't let go of good times
And let the bad ones know you'll feel fine
And wear your heart out on your sleeve
Love is all, love is all you need

Don't be rushed
Cause hurrying causes mistakes
And make sure to give more than take
Cuz sharing your self brings you closer
[ Lyrics from: ]
You may think you've had it rough
And try to give it up
But when you think you're stuck
Just go another way

Don't let go of good times
And let the bad ones know you'll feel fine
And wear your heart out on your sleeve
Love is all you need

Feel with all your senses
Make sure to let down your defenses
There's just one way to make you see
Love is all, love is all you need

Take a chance now cause it's easy
Take a chance now for you and me
Take a chance now you can reach it
Take a chance for me

Don't let go of good times
And let the bad ones know you'll feel fine
And wear your heart out on your sleeve
Love is all, love is all you need

Feel with all your senses
Make sure to let down your defenses
There's just one way to make you see
Love is all, love is all you need

Love is all you need
Love is all
Love is all
Love is all you need

p/s: Seriously rambut dia memang style!! Sebenarnya chorus dia buatkan rasa macam nak joget-joget pun ada. heh heh!


  1. agreed! rambut dia mmg style habis! ni rase nk buat rambut raya ni. hehe

  2. k sphie ni mmg mnat dy eh. Dari dlu msti ada lagu dy nnyi.hihih

  3. kalau lagu motivate english ni
    sy suke dua lagu


  4. gunakan lagu untuk motivatekan diri...
    aku pon slalu guna cara ni...

  5. gunakan lagu untuk motivatekan diri...
    aku pon slalu guna cara ni...

  6. azalia hjsalleh: =)

    bellalicious: rambut kena tebal baru boleh jadi tempurung.

    fuz.qym.y: dah joget dahh..memang best.

    cik heroin: a ah memang minat sangat =)

    farah awang: a ah.dua2 lagu tu memang boleh motivate diri sendiri.

    cEro: yeahh..sebab lirik lagu selalunya bermakna bila didalami.Aww~

    AmirFX: terima kasih.. ;p


P/S: Nak tanya pasal senibina/architecture? Sila baca SEMUA entri saya pasal 'Study & Architecture Guide' di column belah kanan blog, baca semua komen orang dan apa yang saya reply berserta Q&A di saya. Soalan yang dah ada jawapan tidak akan dilayan. Terima kasih.

Terima kasih pada yang ringan tangan komen entri yang lain.