
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Lagu buat yang putus cinta.

Chop! First of all,lagu ni tiada kena mengena dengan life aku. My life is not yet miserable. =) tapi, aku tiba-tiba tersentuh hati bila dengar lagu ni.Sampai nak kena ulang-ulang dan cari lirik. Aku rasa lagu ni sesuai untuk mereka yang putus cinta atau yang berstatus It's Complicated tu. Aku bagi kat kawan-kawan yang ada masalah cinta.Suruh layan -tak patut betul aku ni,sepatutnya bagi moral support lah kan.. (-_-') Tapi mereka layan jugak sampai ulang banyak kali jugak, lpas tu lebih emo.

Artist : Automatic Loveletter (sering dibandingkan dengan Paramore tapi aku rasa lagu AL lagi best cuma suara dia kasar sikit compared to Haylie William)

Lagu : Make Up Smeared Eyes

Tadaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Sila layan (sambil nak berjoget-joget gaya Sin Chan)

Left your t-shirt in my room
Still smells of you
And the picture you hung on the door
Lay smashed and picture perfect
Explains now
Clearly, nothing left but a memory
We only made out
You never kissed me
That's how I learned to hold back all feeling

Wait, please don't go
I won't stay
All these words on replay
I'm okay
It's alright
Good to know that you're fine

Pretending everything is right to make it better
I'll hide my make-up smeared eyes
To show that I'm fine

Somehow you have managed to get under my skin
More than anyone ever did
And if every hole makes a scar
And every scar marks it's place
Then I will never live freely without your trace
And it'll never be fair
I wrote my songs for you and you never even cared
So I'll forget you
I'll wash your t-shirt
And kill the pillow and
Cut you out of pictures

Wait, please don't go
I won't stay
All these words on replay
I'm okay
It's all right
Good to know that you're fine

Pretending everything is right to make it better
I'll hide my make-up smeared eyes

This drama sat shotgun
My eyes rain like autumn
Only the glove box knows
How the story goes

Now that this bandage is broken
And the cut's left and open
Tell ya just one thing, this wasn't worth the sting

This drama sat shotgun
My eyes rain like autumn
Only the glove box knows
How the story goes

Now that this bandage is broken
And the cut's left and open
Tell ya just one thing, this wasn't worth the sting

Oh, this drama sat shotgun
My eyes rain like autumn
Only the glove box knows
How the story goes
Now that this bandage is broken
And the cut's left and open
Tell ya just one thing, this wasn't worth the sting

p/s : Lagu Automatic Loveletter yang lain banyak jugak yang best-best.Kalau rajin download lah.


  1. lah..dalam hati ade taman jugak upenyer minah nie.kah2....^_^....igt biase2 jer..lyk2..double thumbs feet up.

  2. dah nama pun perempuan..dalam hati mestilah ade taman..takkan ade batu aje kot kn.. =)

  3. tak paham..selain taman nak ade ape? -_-"


P/S: Nak tanya pasal senibina/architecture? Sila baca SEMUA entri saya pasal 'Study & Architecture Guide' di column belah kanan blog, baca semua komen orang dan apa yang saya reply berserta Q&A di saya. Soalan yang dah ada jawapan tidak akan dilayan. Terima kasih.

Terima kasih pada yang ringan tangan komen entri yang lain.